
The Sports Barn - Moccasin Bend 4 Miler is 4.00 miles on the road with flat terrain.

The starting point for this route is: Downtown Sports Barn (301 Market St)

Comments about this route:
A 4 mile course beginning and ending at the downtown Sports Barn. Parking for this run is available at the Unum lot located at 4th St & Cherry St. View a map of the course at:

The route:
Turn around when you reach the Friends of the Festival warehouse on the left. Return to the Sports Barn
H20 Miles Turn Street Name Instructions
Start Sports Barn
L Market St Run over Market St bridge
0.62 L Fraizer Ave
0.7 L Manufacturers Rd
1.6 L Hamm Rd
2.00 L Friends of the Festival
2.4 R Manufacturers Rd
3.3 R Fraizer Ave
3.4 R Market St
4 Finish Sports Barn