
The Ladder is 2.50 miles on the track with terrain.

The starting point for this route is: Track

Comments about this route:
This can be done with greater or lessor recovery depending on what system you are trying to stress. (i.e. more rest and faster intervals for speed building (anerobic) vs. slower intervals and faster rest (maybe drop the walk) for more of the threshold aerobic max workout).

The route:
Run to track for warm up.
200 m hard then walk 100, jog 100
400 m hard then walk 100, jog 100
600 m hard then walk 100, jog 100
800 m hard then walk 100, jog 300
Repeat going backwards, 800, 600, 400, 200 except that after the 800 m on the way down you only get a 100/100 recovery.
Try to control your speed at the start so that you can match it on the way back down.