
The Downtown 2 Miler - Sports Barn is 2.00 miles on the road with mixed terrain.

The starting point for this route is: Downtown Sports Barn (301 Market St)

Comments about this route:
A 2 mile course beginning and ending at the downtown Sports Barn. Parking for this run is available at the Unum lot located at 4th St & Cherry St. View a map of the course at:

The route:
H20 Miles Turn Street Name Instructions
Start Sports Barn
L Market St Run over Market St bridge
0.64 R Frazier St
0.84 R Tremont St Run past the Chattanooga Theatre Center
0.98 R Coolidge Park At the round about go down the stairs at the right and turn right on the cement path, follow the path along the river front, going under Walnut St bridge.
1.1 R River St When the path reaches the road just before Market St bridge take a right and follow the road back around the exit the park
1.4 L Tremont St
1.43 L Frazier St
1.5 L Walnut St Bridge Take a left and go over the Walnut St bridge, continue on Walnut St
1.9 R 3rd S
2 Finish Sports Barn